Thus Spake An Inert Rebel


Monday, July 03, 2006

Don't say sorry

I had gone to have my lunch at a fast food joint parking my vehicle outside. When I come back I see a guy sitting on my vehicle having his coffee. He mumbles a sorry and gets up when I go near my vehicle. I ignore the incident. A couple of days later I had gone to same fast food joint at about the same time and when I come out I see the same guy sitting on my vehicle. Now this was sheer coincidence that he happened to sit on my vehicle again. He obvioulsy dd not recognise me, but I did recognise him. But what put me off was that the guy again mumbled sorry and got up. I was really fuming now. I didn't buy that sorry. This guy didn't obviously know what "Sorry" was. He was not sorry that he was sitting on my vehicle without my permission. He was sorry that I saw him sitting on my vehicle. So the "sorry" was used merely as a formality. He didn't mean it.If he had meant it he wouldn't have done it again. I would have actually preferred if he had just got up without saying a sorry and acting as if was within his rights. Rude it may seem, but it is actually better than being hypocritical and insincerely apologetic.

This incident happened a few years back. After that I started noticing many more such incidents. Then I realised that most people don't know what sorry really means.
They don't use sorry to apologise for something they did, the effect of which they had not expected to affect others or affect them in a manner they had not predicted.
Neither do people use sorry to apologise for doing something which they would not have done had they had the benefit of hindsight. People say sorry to diffuse serious or dangerous situations. People use sorry, not because they are sorry that they offended you, but because you caught them offending you. If you had not caught them, then they would not be sorry.

PS: Itheya thaan enga Captain, Ramana'la sonnaru.


At 4/7/06 19:48, Blogger Bala (Karthik) said...

Of course......


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